Racines / Rötter (2022)

At some points in your life, you think more about your roots. One such point could be at the half-century turn of a persons life or the life of an ensemble. Since I will turn 50 in 2021 and 2e2m will turn 50 in 2022 it made sense for me to focus on roots, both my own and that of the ensemble. 

The piece I plan for 2e2m will therefore use material that highlights and reflects on the roots of both the ensemble and myself. One reason this feels both natural and suitable for this piece is that my own history has a very specific time when my own musical roots became more important than before, and that was when I lived in France for a few years, studying at IRCAM and working with French musicians for the first time. I had never felt as ”Swedish” as I did when living abroad, and that feeling has continued to be important to me since then. 

I will look at the composing of this piece as a kind of genealogy where I will look at the material I find and try to map it in a coherent way, both when it comes to the material coming from my own history and the material coming from the rich history of the ensemble.

The piece will make heavy use of the technology I have developed during recent years, called Gestrument, which allows for the possibility of taking the ”musical DNA” of a piece and using it as the foundation of something new. Depending on the finished project Gestrument might be used by the ensemble to perform on live, by me while I compose the piece or even by the audience themselves before/during/after the concert. This will then be a kind of invitation to participating that lends itself very well to different types of outreach projects.


Year: 2022
Publisher: Edition Peters


Compositions with info and links

All compositions ordered in different categories, sorted by year.

Silhouettes and Shadows (2024)

Convergence (2023)

Racines / Rötter (2022)

Virtualis (2022)

As if tied to a string (2022)

Convergence – Phase One (2021)

Close encounter of the second kind (2021)

Wave (2020)

Gaussian Blur (2020)

1st Retrospective for string orchestra (2019)

Emerging from Currents and Waves (version 2020) (2019)

3rd Retrospective (2019)

Ashes in the Fall (2018)

Emerging from Currents and Waves (2018)

Emerge (2017)

1:st Retrospective (2016)

Visual Exformation (2016)

Öde (2015)

Sculpting the Air (2015)

Ärr (2014)

Åkallan (2013)

Sappho’s Legacy (2013)

Frames in Transit (2012)

Diffusing Grains (2012)

Vicinities (2011)

Circe (2011)

In the midst of Trespassing No 2 (2010)

Aftermath (2010)

El pajaro con la quijada de burro (2009)

Lamento d’Arianna (2009)

Kinship (2009)

In the midst of Trespassing (2009)

Pendants (2009)

In the midst of Trespassing (2009)

Surfaces Scintillantes (2008)

Arches (2008)

Close Encounter (2008)

Low Impact (2008)

Gido (2007)

Archvie:Lights (2007)

Undercurrents (2007)

The Dangers of Trespassing (2006)

Residues (2006)

Moirai (2006)

Ingen får tro att allt är någons fel (2005)

Arv (2005)

Invisible Mantra (2005)

Cri du berger (2004)

Frozen still (2003)

Vintage (2003)

Double Concerto (2003)

Dreams from the fire (2003)

Inevitability (2003)

the sound of inevitability (2002)

inevitabilini (2002)

Arnaía (2002)

Et cantabant quasi canticum novum (2001)

the aisle (2001)

Sleep now in the fire (2001)

just a quiet peaceful dance (2001)

calm like a bomb (2000)

Klotho (2000)

And after this our exile (1999)

Ash-Wednesday IV (1999)

Så länge man kan säga idag (1999)

Kodoku na Odori (1998)

Kull (1998)

Violinsonat (1998)

Mörkret som ger glädjen djup (1997)

Ma-xia (1997)

Scongiuro revocato (1997)

Gammeldansen (1997)

Tre färder (1997)

Concerto for Str. (1996)

Lowland (1995)

Departing Water (1995)

And Voices Are (1995)